The Cheery Fashionista Blog

Saying Farewell to Summer…..
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Saying Farewell to Summer…..

Hi guys, I am BAACK!

Dress is from here

Wedge sandals from here 




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You guys , I was out there making the most out of  summer, and now its drawing to an end. I somehow struggle with saying goodbye to warm weather, even though sometimes the heat is unbearable. Gosh, wake me up when September ends! The other day, I was thinking about the energies around memorial day weekend and labor day weekend. The unofficial start and end of summer. I honestly enjoy Memorial day weekend more, and the weather is almost always perfect for the entire 3 day weekend. Oddly enough, Labor day weekend has a depressing vibe to me. Add to it the endless clouds that have become an annual occurrence.  On the Sunday however, the  sun finally came out in the afternoon and the sky was a clear blue.

My cheery friends, I have that summertime sadness. There is something magical about those long bright days that elevates my spirit. I feel like there is so much more to know and many opportunities to explore. The warm air and clear sky nights resonates with me deeply.  I feel like I have a stronger connection with the cosmos and love staring out at the stars. Ok, so you maybe wondering what I love doing in the summer since I am feeling nostalgic.

One of the things I enjoy in the summer is heading out to the park. The park I visit is so peaceful, relaxing ,with towering trees and a beautiful lake. I have so many memories here and enjoy picnics, reading books and just being surrounded by other nature loving people. I always feel grounded when I head out to this park. Then I love reading dedicated benches in the park of people who once walked on this park and have transitioned.




There’s something about dining out at a restaurant in the summer that feels almost magical. The combination of warm weather, great food, and a fun ambiance creates an experience that feels so much more than just a meal. It’s a celebration of the season, where everything—food, ambiance, and the essence of summer itself—blends into one perfect moment.


The first thing that draws me in is the ambiance. Summer dining often means outdoor seating, where restaurants come alive with patios, rooftops, or cozy tables on sidewalks. It’s hard to resist eating outdoors when you have a gorgeous sunset in the background. Is it just me or does time slow down when you are sitting outside. Things that always add to the nostalgia – clinking glasses, clear skies, laughter and lovely outfits.


Being around water is another activity that I enjoy in the summer. Whether its at the beach, by a pool or the nearby lake, water just brings me peace. It is so soothing, calming and very powerful. Being around water always makes me slow down and appreciate mother nature. I feel like the water embraces me and I can float , do nothing, think of nothing and find unwavering peace. Also, no matter how much change is happening in my life, I can always look around and see water, a reminder that it is an everlasting  natural resource that nourishes all life. It has been around since the beginning and never really disappears. I find comfort in it.

Outdoor fun



Late night swims. OMG, who came up with this! This is such a fun thing for me to do.  Just so we are clear, I am referring to swimming in a pool, that has lights and is chlorinated.  It is such a refreshing feeling especially after a very hot day. There is also a sense of freedom that comes with night swimming. The air is cooler, but the water still holds onto the heat of the day, and it feels like you’re sneaking in a little extra summer fun after hours. It’s spontaneous, carefree, and a little bit adventurous—like you’re making the most of those long summer nights. It’s a quiet escape where you can enjoy the simple pleasure of swimming without the busyness of the day. Late-night swimming has this way of bringing a sense of calm and wonder, making you feel more connected to the world around you, and turning a regular summer evening into something unforgettable.




After months of being cooped up indoors during colder months , summer feels like a “chance ” to step outside and really live life. The long and bright days feel like a gift and I feel a sense of urgency to make the most out of the days before they fade away.  I feel alive to just step out , breathe in fresh air and connect with nature. Unless it’s raining ,I have an urgent feeling to get out there and be outside.  At this time, it feels as though the outdoors becomes an extension of me, and I just want to experience all the possibilities and freedom that being outside brings.




 Summer is synonymous with traveling. This is such an exciting and fun  thing to do in warmer months. Not sure if you guys have the same experience as I do, but when seasons change, its like the previous one never existed. When summer time comes, people come out of hibernation, more cars on the roads and there is a buzz in the air about the warm weather. Summer is such a big deal to me that I wish to visit places that are experiencing summer at the same time.  There’s this sense of adventure that comes with packing a bag, hitting the road, or hopping on a plane to explore new places. As chaotic as airports can be in the summer, it is an exciting feeling to see the bustling terminals with people who want to share the same experience as me. I have come to appreciate travel especially after Covid -19. Have you ever flown for 15 hours in a mask.. crazy times. The world just feels more open and you can be anywhere you want in a matter of hours.


What do you enjoy about summer. Please share with me in the comments.

Thank you for reading



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